Aurender N 100H / X 725 – Besprechung bei „Enjoy the Music“

Geschrieben am Veröffentlicht in High-End, Musikserver

Bei „Enjoy the Music“ hat Tom Lyle die Aurenderkombi von X 725 und N 100H besprochen. Sein Fazit:

„The N100H, and the N100H paired with the X725, are not only excellent sounding products, but are fun to use! I highly recommend both. Those who have been using a computer for a music server can easily switch over to the Aurender N100H with not that much hassle and thankfully for a very reasonable price. The same goes for the X725, because if one has been using a music server with less than revealing power, Aurender makes a the X725, which means only a pair of speakers are needed to have an extremely modern and great sounding system.“

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